SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

Queering the queer

Korea┃2022┃22min┃Color┃Experimental, Documentary┃15+
Korean DiaㅣKorean, English Sub


Would queer lives be better if there was no hatred on the streets? How well do queers know one another? Is queer homosexual? Can’t we talk about queerness in closets? Can only those who can clearly explain queer speak? In queer culture, what kind of reflection is required? Are the queer and sexual minority the same thing? Do we really need to ask these questions? Is this just a way for those who have learned things to show off? Queer senses that cannot be expressed verbally call into question the source and necessity of pride, as well as the definition of queer.

Korean Shorts Non-competition 3
11/04(Fri) 14:45 Megabox Seongsu 1
Korean Shorts Non-competition 3 (GV)
11/06(Sun) 19:00 Megabox Seongsu 4
