SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

Night and Day

Korea | 2023 | 25min | Color | Fantasy, Romance | G | G
Korean Dia│English Sub
Kim Dong-yun


Eui-jun has been tired of dating only on nights because of Young-taek's new type of sun allergy. On Eui-jun’s birthday, Young-taek asks him his birthday wish, and he replies that he wants to go on a ‘daytime date’ with Young-taek. But It’s difficult for him to make that wish come true. One day, Young-taek, who takes courage, leaves the house for a date on daytime with Eui-jun. It is not easy to take a step away from the pouring sunlight, but Youngtaek arrives safely at the Han River with the help of Euijun. The two of them finally enjoy their long-awaited midday Han River date, but when they unexpectedly meet Young-taek's company boss and team leader Park, the "nosy person," the two face a crisis.

11/05 (SUN) 13:30 ART2 GV
11/07 (TUE) 15:15 ART1
