SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

Mines are Better

Korea | 1969 | 110min | B&W | Drama, Comedy | 18+
Korean Dia│English Sub
Lee Hyung-pyo


Seong-chun, who came to Seoul from the countryside, met his friend Bong-soo while wandering the streets because he had nowhere to go. He follows Bongsu, but the owner of the boarding house is so picky that Bongsu inevitably calls Sungchun his wife from the countryside. Thus, Sungchun unintentionally dresses as a woman and pretends to be Bongsu's wife. In the meantime, he is dating the girl next door and finally promises a happy tomorrowHow do you reinvent yourself when your partner is going through a change? This task awaits Corrie. Her partner Ashley is in transition from male to female. More and more often, Corrie wonders to what extent she can follow her partner in the transition

11/05 (SUN) 11:50 ART4 GV


Lee Hyung-pyo