- Opening Film
- Closing Film
- Asia PRIDE
- World PRIDE
Shorts Competition
- Anthropology 101
- Unfinished
- Eyelevel
- In Your Eyes, In My Eyes
- Yurim
- Holy Family
- Butterfly Story
- Words to Say
- B-side
- Wishing in the Wind
- Stepping Stones
- After That
- Slap
- Harmony
- Our Spring Blossoms
- The Morning of Tomorrow
- Be a Savior
- Shaolongbao
- Melancholy inside the Magenta Swimming Cap
- Summer Serenade
- Feature
- The Dream with Sofa
- Chaehwa
- A Happy Wedding
- Society of Clothes
- Already Know But
- Bad Girl
- Survival Report of Analog Human
- My First Funeral
- Floating
- Eye on Adam's Apple
- Standing Ground
- Father Libre
- A Room of One's Own
- By Hand
- Ghwa the Last Name
- F(uck)lower
- Pushup
- About Us
- Nobody Knows
- Conception
- At Montmartre Park
Shorts Competition
- Special PRIDE
- Open PRIDE
- Master Class
- Five Fillm For Freedom
KE | ALL | G | KP
Red Envelope
Taiwan | 2024 | 21min | Color | Drama | Taiwanese, Chinese, English
Tami XU
ANDY and his Taiwanese husband ILAN finally registered their marriage in Taiwan. The newlyweds decide to visit their favorite food stall at the local night market for a celebratory dinner. When ANDY spots a red envelope on the ground and picks it up, an AMA (Taiwanese grandma) creeps out of the dark. She tells Andy that according to the local tradition, he is the chosen husband of her deceased granddaughter XIN-YI. Moreover, they have to get married before XIN-YI’s One-Hundredth-Day Memorial otherwise she will be stuck in the purgatory forever. ANDY and ILAN freak out and storm away; AMA desperately hopes that this clean-faced American will return soon.
11/8(Fri) 17:40 CGV2 | 11/10(Sun) 17:20 CGV2 GV | |
Tami XU