Asia Pride Section
Way To Content
11.3(Sat) 21:40 ART2
Way To Content11.3(Sat) 21:40 ART2
You Are The Sea
11.4(Sun) 19:35 ART2 , 11.6(Tue) 12:10 ART1
You Are The Sea11.4(Sun) 19:35 ART2 , 11.6(Tue) 12:10 ART1
Taiwan! Let's Get Married!
11.3(Sat) 12:55 ART2
Taiwan! Let's Get Married!11.3(Sat) 12:55 ART2
11.2(Fri) 17:50 ART1, 11.4(Sun) 21:50 ART1
I MISS YOU WHEN I SEE YOU11.2(Fri) 17:50 ART1, 11.4(Sun) 21:50 ART1
Pink Pill
11.2(Fri) 21:30 ART2
Pink Pill11.2(Fri) 21:30 ART2
Between Us Two
11.3(Sat) 12:55 ART2
Between Us Two11.3(Sat) 12:55 ART2
Evening Shadows
11.3(Sat) 10:20 ART1 , 11.6(Tue) 21:30 ART1
Evening Shadows11.3(Sat) 10:20 ART1 , 11.6(Tue) 21:30 ART1
Kalankoe no hana
11.4(Sun) 19:35 ART2 , 11.6(Tue) 12:10 ART1
Kalankoe no hana11.4(Sun) 19:35 ART2 , 11.6(Tue) 12:10 ART1
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| A section where we introduce emerging Asian directors and reorient ourselves through the context of Asian queer films |
The Asian Pride Section presents Asian queer films demonstrating high levels of artistic quality that portray the lives of sexual minorities living in Asia. Its mission is to consistently discover emerging directors with great potential.
A significant queer Asian event this year happened in India, where on September 6th, the Indian Supreme Court decriminalized Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, a section that criminalized sexual activities "against the order of nature" and imposing up to a life sentence on the convicted. The application of the section to consensual homosexual sex between adults was ruled unconstitutional this year, over 150 years after the section was introduced during the British rule of India. In celebration, the SPFF will screen Evening Shadows, an Indian production directed by Sridhar Rangayan. The main character is a young gay man who was born in a small city in South India and whose overbearing traditional father nearly tricks into becoming married. Barely evading the danger, Vasudha comes out to his mother. A family drama ensues where even Vasudha's safety is threatened, yet the story is counterbalanced by an energetic tone that is typical of Indian cinema.
Way To Content by Yida WANG is a dark and heavy Chinese film also about an unwanted wedding, this time for a lesbian. The lives of queers living in patriarchal Asian societies are depicted in two distinct styles in these movies.
This year, we present two Asian shorts about lesbians but from the perspective of straight men.
You Are the Sea by Japanese director Tomoko Takahashi is about Kaito who meets Toko while working at a cafe. They become lovers but Kaito soon feels apprehensive about his girlfriend's aloofness and decides to follow her. He doesn't know how to react when he finds out Toko has feelings for another woman, and the emotional journey is expressed with great subtlety
Taking place in a county town high school classroom just before everyone graduates and leaves for college, Pink Pill by director Xiaoshan Xie is about Li Bo who has a crush on his desk partner Zhang He. Li Bo hears that Zhang He is a lesbian and finds a pink pill that will cure her of her homosexuality.
At the 20th year mark of the Handover of Hong Kong to mainland China, we present a rare chance to watch a Hong Kong queer film that continues to exude the atmosphere of a Hong Kong of the past. I Miss You When I See You by Simon Chung is about high school besties Kevin and Jamie, who are separated for ten years when Kevin immigrates to Australia. Their reunion is not so smooth due to the contrast between expectations of convention and expectations of the heart. If you want to revisit the flavor of Wang Kar Wai's Happy Together, do not miss this screening!
○ Way To Content
○ You Are The Sea
○ Taiwan! Let's Get Married!
○ Pink Pill
○ Between Us Two
○ Evening Shadows
○ Kalankoe no hana