World Pride Section
Eisenstein in Guanajuato
10/31(SAT) 17:20, 11/02(MON) 19:30
Eisenstein in Guanajuato10/31(SAT) 17:20, 11/02(MON) 19:30
11/019(SUN) 15:00
Misfits11/019(SUN) 15:00
11/01(SUN) 11:00, 11/03 17:20
Boys11/01(SUN) 11:00, 11/03 17:20
The New Man
10/31(SAT) 11:00, 11/02 17:20
The New Man10/31(SAT) 11:00, 11/02 17:20
Tru Love
10/31(SAT) 12:50, 11/03(TUE) 17:20
Tru Love10/31(SAT) 12:50, 11/03(TUE) 17:20
10/31(SAT) 15:00, 11/02(MON) 12:50
Tangerine10/31(SAT) 15:00, 11/02(MON) 12:50
Appropriate Behavior
11/02(MON) 19:30, 11/04(WED) 17:20
Appropriate Behavior11/02(MON) 19:30, 11/04(WED) 17:20
Out In The Night
10/31(SAT) 11:00, 11/02(MON) 17:20
Out In The Night10/31(SAT) 11:00, 11/02(MON) 17:20
11/01(SUN) 11:00, 11/04(WED) 17:20
Fulboy11/01(SUN) 11:00, 11/04(WED) 17:20
Kumu Hina
11/01(SUN) 12:50, 11/03(TUE) 12:50
Kumu Hina11/01(SUN) 12:50, 11/03(TUE) 12:50
Helicopter Mom
11/01(SUN) 17:20, 11/04(WED) 15:00
Helicopter Mom11/01(SUN) 17:20, 11/04(WED) 15:00
11/01(SUN) 12:50, 11/03(TUE) 12:50
Perpetual11/01(SUN) 12:50, 11/03(TUE) 12:50
Summer Nights
10/31(SAT) 19:30, 11/03(TUE) 15:00
Summer Nights10/31(SAT) 19:30, 11/03(TUE) 15:00
Eastern Boys
11/02(MON) 15:00, 11/04(WED) 19:30
Eastern Boys11/02(MON) 15:00, 11/04(WED) 19:30
10/03(FRI) 19:00, 11/01(SUN) 19:30
Pride10/03(FRI) 19:00, 11/01(SUN) 19:30
The Way He Looks
10/31(SAT) 15:30, 11/03(TUE) 19:30
The Way He Looks10/31(SAT) 15:30, 11/03(TUE) 19:30
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World PRIDE Section |
A section that presents non-Asiatic films to show the contemporary perspectives of other countries
In North America, Europe and Australia, where the legal rights of sexual minorities have largely been recognized already, queer films of fresh perspectives are being produced. These countries have already gotten past the issue of same sex marriage and partnership, and now movies regarding parenting and old age are pouring out. Occasionally there are even movies that are a step away from the activist perspective that queer films normally need. The range of queer films is widening, and there is a growing opinion that a lack of a sexual minority character does not prevent a film from being queer just so long as the perspective is queer. On the other hand, South America and Africa are still representing sexual minorities oppressed by social discrimination, and we can ascertain that activist queer films are still relevant and necessary. Like this, the World Pride Section screens a variety of queer films from non-Asiatic countries to demonstrate the state of affairs today in other countries, thus also hinting at the future we must try and pursue.
By screening a colorful array of non-Asiatic queer films, the World Pride Section hints at the future we must strive for by displaying the contemporary state of other countries in a rich selection of 24 films from 22 different countries.
Perhaps the biggest aspect to note this year for the World Pride Section is that three queer grand prix winners from the “Big Three” film festivals will be screened: Pride, winner of the Queer Palm at Cannes, The Way He Looks, winner of the Teddy Award at Berlin and Summer Nights, winner of the Queer Lion at Venice.
Peter Greenaway is a maestro who has received global recognition for his creativity and original directing methods as seen in a variety of films including The Draughtsman’s Contract. His Eisenstein in Guanajuato is worthy of attention. It is a uniquely interpreted portrait of Sergei Eisenstein, perhaps the father of movies and surely the pioneer of montage, during the period of his life when he was filming in Mexico.
A hit at this year’s Sundance, Tangerine is also a must-see. It boldly tells the raw and honest, yet still bright and cheerful story of transgender women who live off of prostituting on the streets of Hollywood.
Martín Farina won the Best Feature Film Teddy Award at the 2011 Berlin International Film Festival for his previous film, Absent. His new film, Fulboy widened the spectrum of queer films and encapsulates the current trend of foreign queer films. Its perspective and cinematic techniques are queer because a gay director filmed it but the plot is about heterosexual football players. The film is being praised for opening a new epoch at the London LGBT Film Festival.
Helicopter Mom garnered attention at the Seattle International Film Festival for its cheerful story about a mother who supports her homosexual son.
The New Man received the Teddy Award for documentary at the Berlin International Film Festival. Along with its great cinematic quality and high level of perfection, it is even easily enjoyable and will help to stimulate the appetite of our audience.
To audience members who had to scavenge through the scant collection of lesbian films to find well-made productions, we believe this year will be a pleasurable one. A diverse list indeed to pick from, starting with Out In The Night, a depiction of the struggles of black transgender individuals living in New York, Tru Love, a story of two women who unintentionally fall in love, and Appropriate Behavior, which joyfully depicts a wide array of sexual minorities, from lesbians and bisexuals, to even pansexuals.
Furthermore, the World Pride Section will present joy to the audience by showing various films that depict the contemporary lives of sexual minorities living in other countries.
○ Eisenstein in Guanajuato
○ Misfits
○ Boys
○ The New Man
○ Tru Love
○ Tangerine
○ Appropriate Behavior
○ Out In The Night
○ Fulboy
○ Kumu Hina
○ Helicopter Mom
○ Perpetual
○ Summer Nights
○ Eastern Boys
○ Pride
○ The Way He Looks