2015 SPFF
Closing Film
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Director Peter Sollett
USA | 2015 | 103min | color | DCP | Drama, Romance | L
[ 11.5. THU ] 19:00 @Seoul Cinema 2 *Closing Ceremony
| Synopsis |
New Jersey police lieutenant, Laurel Hester, and her registered domestic partner, Stacie Andree, both battle to secure Hester's pension benefits when she is diagnosed with terminal cancer. The film is based on the true story of Laurel Hester (Moore), a police officer in Ocean County, New Jersey. Following her diagnosis with terminal lung cancer in 2005, Hester repeatedly appealed to the county's board of chosen freeholders in an attempt to ensure her pension benefits could be passed on to her domestic partner, Stacie Andree.
| Prize |
Tronto Int'l Film Festival 2015
Busan Int'l Film Festival 2015
San Sebastian Film Festival 2015