SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

The Three-legged Race

Director | LEE Jin-woo

Korea│2018│21min 16sec│Color│Drama│L

Korean Dia│English Sub

2018 서울국제사랑영화제

2018 즐린국제어린이청소년영화제

2018 상상영화제

2018 장애인영화제

November 2nd 13:40, 4th 17:00 (GV)

| Synopsis |

Ye Jin, who is good at sports, decides to run the three-legged race at the school athletic event with Sung Jin, who has a handicap on his leg, instead of Eun joo.

| Director |

LEE Jin-woo

| Credits |