Pink Pill
Director | Xiaoshan XIE
China│2017│29min 59sec│Color│Drama│L│KP
Cantonese Dia│English & Chinese Sub
2017 대만국제퀴어영화제
2017 베이징퀴어영화제
2017 브뤼셀국제단편영화제
2017 상하이프라이드영화제
November 2nd 21:30
| Synopsis |
The story happened in a small town in China. Zhang He, a high school girl,was found to be a lesbian and then being bullied. Li Bo, likes her very much. He tries so hard to protect her. One day, he was told that maybe aphrodisiac could cure her gayness.
Will it? Can he really change her? Or only destroy them both?
| Director |
Xiaoshan XIE
| Credits |