SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

Black Summer

Director | Lee Weon-Young   

Korea | 2017 | DCP | 110min | Color, B&W│

Drama, Romance

Korean Dia | English Sub

2017 부산국제영화제 한국영화의 오늘- 비전 부문


November 3rd 19:20 (GV), 6th 15:00

| Synopsis |

Jihyeon is a contractual employee in the film department at a local college. When time allows, he dedicates himself to writing and directing movies. He is grateful that he is able to do what he enjoys, and spends his days chronicling and archiving ordinary surroundings and occurrences.

One day, Jiheyon is interviewing candidates for a male role in his next film, when he is reunited with Geonwu, who attended the same university a few years behind him. As the two men become reacquainted, Jihyeon starts to feel a change in the wind; his heart is beating faster, his pinwheel is picking up speed. Jihyeon and Geonwu sense newfound emotions beginning to take hold.

In a twist, their relationship is exposed to the college community. Rather than jeopardize Geonwu’s future as an actor, Jihyeon makes a sacrifice. The two men must ultimately decide how they will react to both despair and hope.

| Director |

Lee Weon-Young

| Credits |