SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

Limited Partnership

Director | Thomas G. Miller

USA | 2014 | 76min | Color│Documentary

English Dia | Korean Sub

Cleveland Int'l Film Festival 2015

Hawaii Int'l Film Festival 2014

Palm Springs Int'l Film Festival 2015

10/31(Sat) 17:20 @indiespace *GV 

11/4(Wed) 12:50 @Seoul Art Cinema

| Synopsis |

In 1975 Boulder, CO, thanks to a courageous county clerk in Boulder, Filipino-American Richard Adams and his Australian husband, Tony Sullivan had one of the first same-sex marriage in the world to be legally. They filed for a green card for Tony but it was denied by the Immigration and Naturalization Service since their marriage can't be proven truly in the society. Once the deportation for Tony is getting close, Richard decides to sue the U.S. government and starts to find cases related to same-sex marriages in U.S. However, it hasn't been easy journey to them and it is lasting over 38 years...

| Director |

Thomas G. Miller

| Credits |