When I got a boyfriend
Director | HAM Seung-il
Korea | 2012 | 13min | HDV | Color
Rainbow Section – Yellow
June 9th 14:30, 13th 12:30
| Synopsis |
Hyun-woo keeps many secrets from his mother, the most important ones being that he has a boyfriend and is currently living with him. Hyun-woo's mother wishesto be closer to her son, so that she can introduce him her boyfriend, with whom she is having a serious relationship. Frustrated with her son ignoring her calls, she surprise visits Hyun-woo when he's celebrating a one year anniversary with his boyfriend. Luckily, Hyun-woo's mother remains unknowing of his sexuality, but Hyun-woo feels bad for having hurt his mother's feeling with his brusque manners.
| Director |
HAM Seung-il
| Credits |