A Map for a Talk
Director | Fernandez Constanza
Chile| 2012 | 82min | Blue-Ray | Color
Rainbow Section – Green
June 7th 17:00, 14th 04:00
| Synopsis |
A MAP FOR A TALK is an independent project, an intimate play evolving around three main characters: an adult woman, her mother and her female lover. Two days in their lives occur in two opposing setting, everyday life in the demanding metropolis of Santiago and a sailboat trip cruising a beautiful bay. The three character remain trapped in a claustrophobic confrontation. The film dialogs with 'Knife in the water' from the side of women, an intense character drama with many involuntary humorous scenes. The eternal, never completed quest of seeing and recognizing the other as they are or, at least, as they want to be seen.
| Director |
Fernandez Constanza
| Credits |