For the Invisible
Director | Kae, Seui
Korea | 2012 | 80min | HDV | Color
Rainbow Section – Violet
June 7th 14:30, 11th 17:00
| Synopsis |
42 years old, trans woman "Yoo-jeong HONG" starts her day at the crack of dawn delivering newspapers. Even though she works up to 13 hours a day, she gets paid meagre half of what others usually get paid because the second part of her idenfication number starts with "1." Sex change operaiton is required to apply for correction of sexon identification card, but it is impossible for her to pay for such expensive operation. As an alternative, Yoo-jeong plans to gather guarantees from people around her stating that she indeed is a woman, but people who have known her for over 15 years do not readily agree with her. What must she, a non-op transsexual woman proves to get an identification number that starts with "2?"
| Director |
LEE Seul-Gi
| Credits |