SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

The Family Complete

Director | IMAIZUMI Koichi

Israel, Germany, France| 2009 | 91min | Digibeta | Color Drama

Rainbow Section – Red

2010 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival

June 4th 13:00 6th 15:50

| Synopsis |

What begins like a normal Japanese family drama quickly descends into absurdity when a man dressed in a bear suit attacks the young-looking grandfather and uses him for furry sex. Soon, incest is the norm, with everyone getting a piece of grandpa, especially the men. Well, everyone but the third son, who prefers to cruise for guys outside. And why is everyone in the household so young-looking? To be revealed...

| Director |


Since 1990 Kouichi Imaizumi has acted in over 100 titles of “pink (Japanese romantic porn)" films.

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