SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)


Korea | 2019 | 22min 52sec | Color | Drama | 15+
Jeremiah Magoncia


Every day, Euigon follows a simple routine: he wakes up before his alarm rings; listens to an English radio show while preparing for work; goes to work; eats lunch alone; goes to the gym after work; eats dinner; goes home. He does the same thing the next day. Despite having a degree in photography, he works as a security guard in a big building. One day, his stepbrother, whom he has last seen 10 years ago, comes to visit. Suddenly his life starts to change.

[ 11.06.FRI ] 15:30 ART3
[ 11.08.SUN ] 20:25 ART3
