SIPFF 2024 2024.11.07(Thu.) ~ 2024.11.13(Wed.)

The Acrobat

Canada | 2019 | 134min | Color | Drama | 18+
French Dia | English/Korean Sub
RRodrigue JEAN


In an American town undergoing a construction boom, a middle-aged working man enters a romantic relationship with a Russian acrobat visiting an apartment. Following a trapeze accident, Micha has a broken leg and goes around on crutches. The two men meet every night in the apartment Christophe has bought hastily. The two lovers cut themselves off from the outside world, at the heart of winter, and explore their lust without restraint.

[ 11.06.FRI ] 18:40 ART1
[ 11.09.MON ] 15:45 ART1
